What are the public issues that are resolved in this commitment?

Throughout 2019, there were 64% percent of corruption cases handled by law enforcement related to the procurement of goods and services. This becomes even more crucial during the pandemic because procurement during an emergency (COVID-19 pandemic) has a special scheme, which makes it prone to corruption. In addition, many public bodies consider information on the procurement of goods and services, especially contract documents, to be excluded or not accessible to the public. This is because public bodies still interpret the Information Commission Regulation (PERKI) on Public Information Service Standards (SLIP) Number 1 of 2010 differently.

What is the commitment?

This commitment will encourage the revision of PERKI SLIP where the regulation explains in detail the information on the procurement of goods and services that must be disclosed by public agencies. This commitment will also encourage the development of a portal for the procurement of goods and services in an emergency situation that can be accessed by the public.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem?

The accessibility of the Government Procurement Activity information is hoped to minimize corruption vulnerability.

Why is this commitment relevant to the Open Government values?

This commitment is in line with the Open Government values, namely transparency and accountability. The accessible information related to the procurement of goods and services shows the transparency of government activities.

Commitment Alignment with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and SDGs

This commitment supports the Priority Activities in the 2020-2024 RPJMN, Improving the Quality of Public Communication, especially the Priority Program "Strengthening Information Governance and Public Communication at the Center and Regions" namely the Preparation of the Public Information Openness Index and. Priority Activities for Institutional Arrangements and Business Processes, in particular the Priority Program "Integrated SPSE Implementation" namely Centralized SPSE Development.

Activities related to the commitment :

Webinar regarding the launch of opentender.net as a part of collaboration between NPPA and ICW : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBLlUN0XH_I and OGI News https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/DrmUbPgeyJyEerLmonlAs5WXf0GEzTJbcQsKzUcj.pdf

National Assessment Council Forum: Public Information Disclosure Index https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/82W7yubu8gp3RiD

Socialization of PERKI SLIP no. 1 in 2021: https://youtu.be/Y1Lw7zp3KEI

Public Procurement Reform in Indonesia: https://www.unodc.org/southeastasiaandpacific/en/what-we-do/anti-corruption/topics/2020/public-procurement-reform-indonesia.html

Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in Budgeting and Contracting : OGI News https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/DKij5TwBD1Z66k9yL7tF93XTbFs3IX2Y9WxqciGQ.pdf

Practice of Open Contracts and Regional Permits: https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/0pEkxOsRZGRizLLXGc9sHge8FHCX7b7OUOT00P69.pdf

Webinar on Transparency of Procurement of Goods and Services during the COVID-19 pandemic: https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/8glDDPQonVGMaq0

Digital Procurement Festival - NPPA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfTFwcETFr4

Webinar Open Government Week Indonesia : "The Urgency of Contract Openness in the Mechanism of Procurement of Goods/Services in Indonesia" https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/hjynUfkaHIFMOeP

Lead Implementing Ministry / Agencies
  1. 1. Central Information Commission
  2. 2. National Public Procurement Agency
Lead Implementing Civil Society Organization
  1. Indonesia Corruption Watch

+6221-3148-551 ext. 3504

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Status Evidence
1. Issuance of revised information January 2021 December 2022 8 commission regulation on Public Information Service Standards. one part of which regulates the disclosure of information on the procurement of goods and services Completed Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/8DNwFuaWb73irAu
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/7CL98rWyAZZuFVY
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/C8FoBIdCB8sxZwx
2. The issuance of Information Disclosure Index with one of the indicators related to the disclosure of information on the procurement of goods and services On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/8DNwFuaWb73irAu
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/7CL98rWyAZZuFVY
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/C8FoBIdCB8sxZwx
3. The information disclosure on government procurement of goods and services, including procurement during emergencies by optimising the national procurement portal or information system developed by the National Public Procurement Agency On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/8DNwFuaWb73irAu
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/7CL98rWyAZZuFVY
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/C8FoBIdCB8sxZwx
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