What are the public issues that are resolved in this commitment?

Among the Indonesians, a few groups cannot be reached by public services due to vertical conflicts (with the government) and horizontal conflicts (with other groups). These community groups are hidden populations who do not get their rights as Indonesian citizens—the unreachable group results in a social gap between these excluded groups and other groups. These groups do not have access to social interventions such as direct cash assistance because they do not have National Identity Cards leading to the government not registering them as direct cash assistance recipients.

What is the commitment?

The dissemination of the concept of "Public Services for Marginalised Groups" to sub-national government apparatus.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem?

The public service model for marginalized groups uses a social inclusion approach. This approach aims to improve the welfare of all community groups, including the marginalized groups. For example, giving recognition to the identity of this excluded marginal group in population data will open access to public services for them. With the dissemination of the concept of public services for marginalized groups, it is hoped that Regional Apparatus Organizations can create inclusive programs in their respective regions.

Why is this commitment relevant to the Open Government values?

This program is in line with the Open Government value, namely inclusion. The marginalised group can be included if they can get their rights as citizens in general. In other words, this program aims to make public service models that can embrace/include marginalised or excluded groups.

Commitment Alignment with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and SDGs

This program is in line with the RPJMN Priority Program related to the Implementation of Integrated Service and Referral Systems, especially the availability of up-to-date social welfare data and Goal 1 of the SDGs to eradicate poverty.

Activities related to the commitment:

Webinar on Public Service Innovation for Marginalised groups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMhDUFALl9M and OGI News https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/E7VPT8dU1QJq2p87cdJJxx5QbYKb12j6E3uZw5XY.pdf

Related documents: https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/8FIy0p0DPqiPJcJ

FGD on Preparing the Guidelines on Public Service for Marginalised Groups- February 2021: https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/Kkg3N0jXx38izSR

Recommendations for the Implementation of Social Safety Nets for Marginal Groups Affected by COVID-19: https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/sgMLJZRDFMiOU5gDJi4D90zxIJgPW0RPYqLbjDgz.pdf

Vulnerable Groups in Pandemic Periods: Climate Change Perspectives and Socioanthropology: https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/PgsuVWivxecBy9Sqj00oJBfsl94LlB4q7UiE6Vkk.pdf

Launching of Sorong Regency Public Service Innovation: https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/uPHGJJAYOxJkeIv

Lead Implementing Ministry / Agencies
  1. State Administration Agency
Lead Implementing Civil Society Organization
  1. Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia (Lakpesdam) Nadhlatul Ulama

+6221-3148-551 ext. 3504

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Status Evidence
The number of regions that received dissemination of the concept of "Public Services for Marginalised Groups" to sub-national government apparatus (OPD) On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/YrIP1jaPPbCjkqx
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/FpMGOkJAF99mXtH
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/d9w5t4qZh54IcKU
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