Open Government Indonesia (OGI) is an initiative to encourage an open and participatory government to realize innovative solutions for society. The efforts toward open government are conducted through a co-creation process that collaborates with government and non-government elements such as civil society organizations, academics, and development partners.
To implement open government values, the National Secretariat of Open Government Indonesia has succeeded in formulating the Open Government Indonesia National Action Plan (OGI NAP) for the 2023-2024 period.
Containing 15 commitments to open multi-sectoral government, the formulation of the OGI NAP is jointly carried out through a co-creation mechanism between Ministries/Agencies and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Further information about the co-creation process is available on the following page.
Graha Mr 21, Menara Jasindo, Jl. Menteng Raya No.21, RT.1/RW.10, Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10340
+6221-3148-551 ext . 3504, 3503