What are the public issues that are resolved in this commitment?

Health service platforms developed by the Ministry of Health such as IHeFF provide information regarding health facilities location and medical personnel. However, there is no specific platform that can be used by women to find information about the health facilities location that provides sexual and reproductive health services, antenatal care, information on safe places to give birth, and access to contraceptives.

What is the commitment?

The Ministry of Health is developing M-Health, a mobile application that can be used by health workers to check the condition of the people registered in the application enabling remote interaction. In the future, this application is expected to accommodate sexual and reproductive health services.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem?

Adding features related to sexual and reproductive health services in the M-Health app will save time and minimise physical contact during the pandemic. Remote health consultation enables filtering urgent patients to the clinic.

Why is this commitment relevant to the Open Government values?

This commitment is relevant to the Open Government values, particularly transparency and community participation. The use of technology will open data related to health facilities needed by the community and provide access to quality health services for all and make it easier for the community to provide feedback as a form of participation in improving existing services.

Commitment Alignment with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and SDGs

This program will support Goal 3 in the SDGs, namely a Healthy and Prosperous Life. In addition, this program is in line with the National Development Agenda in the 2020-2024 RPJMN, in particular the Priority Activities for improving maternal, child, family planning (KB), and reproductive health.

Activities related to the commitment:

Open Service Delivery in Health: OGI News https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/UNmQRmstlnayVaVYDkT0LlZ0KvrbTcNoLR3HscW4.pdf

Lead Implementing Ministry / Agencies
  1. Ministry of Health
Lead Implementing Civil Society Organization
  1. INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development)

+6221-3148-551 ext. 3504

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Status Evidence
Development of a Data-Based Information System for Sexual and Reproductive Health Services that can be accessed by the public. On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/XrVsx1dBvERWTEf
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/edhNNtgNtB3yK3c
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/1CbbR3mmYdF4VUe
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