What are the public issues that are resolved in this commitment?

In supporting effective budget management, the Government has developed an information portal related to the COVID-19 budget handling on the www.kemenkeu.go.id/covid19 page. The portal presents various infographics and regulations related to COVID-19 handling in Indonesia. However, information regarding the budget realisation of the COVID-19 budget at the central and regional government levels has not been accessible to the public.

What is the commitment?

The COVID-19 budget disclosure that can provide information to the public regarding budget realisation during the pandemic handling at the central and regional levels.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem?

The lack of community involvement in monitoring and supervising the COVID-19 budget is one of the causes of ineffectiveness. A COVID-19 budget portal that can provide detailed information will support the monitoring and implementation process. Supervision of the emergency budget is needed as large budget allocation is prone to abuse and corruption.

Why is this commitment relevant to the Open Government values?

Allegations of ineffective implementation of the COVID-19 budget will be minimised if the community is involved, especially in the monitoring and supervision process. In other words, this encourages the value of open government, namely transparency and participation.

Commitment Alignment with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and SDGs

This commitment is aligned with the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 16: "Strengthening Inclusive and Peaceful Communities for Sustainable Development, Providing Access to Justice for All, and Building Effective, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions at All Levels", especially on the target 16.6 namely developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels and targets 16.10 namely ensuring public access to information and protecting fundamental freedoms, following national regulations and international agreements. In the 2020-2024 RPJMN, cultivating the values ​​of transparency and accountability in governance is one of the cornerstones of one of the national agendas, namely the Mental Revolution and Cultural Development. In addition, transparency and accountability in the use of state expenditures are also one of the Development Implementation Guidelines, which is realised through the development of system and data integration in planning, budgeting, and evaluation documents through the use of the same and up-to-date database.

Activities related to the commitment:

- OGI News Fiscal Transparency in the COVID-19 Emergency Response Period: https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/zRYl5yIq5broUhaloM5OK0cYPukgo5HGbhNjWWzY.pdf

Results of the Study on Shifting Authority in COVID-19 Budgeting Policy: https://ti.or.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Kajian-Pergeseran-Keauthoran_TII-1.pdf

Study Results of Examining the COVID-19 Budget and Potential for Corruption: https://ti.or.id/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/revisi-Kajian_Desk-Study_Menyelisik-Anggaran-Covid-19-Potensi-Korupsinya_05102020.pdf

Challenges of Budget Transparency and Synchronization of Fiscal Policy in Overcoming COVID-19 Pandemic https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/uonoT7WG0kz58IaIOSRKpg0sCn8vDv0kiKIoouss.pdf

Webinar Open Response + Open Recovery COVID-19 in Indonesia - 25 August 2021:

Lead Implementing Ministry / Agencies
  1. 1. Ministry of Home Affairs
  2. 2. Ministry of Finance
Lead Implementing Civil Society Organization
  1. 1. Seknas Fitra (Sekretariat Nasional Forum Indonesia Untuk Transparansi Anggaran)
  2. 2. PATTIRO (Pusat Telaah dan Informasi Regional - Regional Center for Research and Information)
  3. 3. Indonesia Budget Center (IBC)

+6221-3148-551 ext. 3504

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Status Evidence
The availability of January 2021 December 2022 58 information on the realisation of the response and recovery budget for the COVID-19 in the regions (in the APBD - Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget) that has been audited through the developed portal On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/mULGTxsn48PTycN
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/E8Ye1fjComc7vy4
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/RUsh28KeSVyoHPo
2. Tersedianya informasi realisasi anggaran penanganan pandemi Covid-19 di tingkat pemerintah pusat yang telah diaudit melalui portal yang dikembangkan. On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/mULGTxsn48PTycN
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/E8Ye1fjComc7vy4
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/RUsh28KeSVyoHPo
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