What are the public issues that are resolved in this commitment?

As a continued commitment from the 2018-2020 OGI NAP, the previous achievements include the availability of local regulations and an increase in the number of legal aid recipients, which are considered to have not overshadowed the community`s need for access to justice. Therefore, this legal aid strengthening program will focus on two aspects, namely strengthening the Legal Aid Organization (OBH) as an institution and human resources which are the key to the implementation of OBH. In addition, this commitment also seeks to overcome the problem of the concentration of OBH in big cities.

What is the commitment?

The expansion of access and capacity of legal aid services.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem?

With the establishment of OBH outside the big cities, it is hoped that the wider community will be able to access legal aid. In addition, this commitment will ensure that the number of OBH continues to grow in line with requests for legal assistance from the community. In terms of human resources, this commitment will increase the knowledge, competence and skills of the community to expand the reach of providing legal aid as legal aid providers, especially paralegals. Furthermore, strengthening human resources capacity can be done by implementing the Legal Aid Service Standard policy in providing legal assistance in OBH.

Why is this commitment relevant to the Open Government values?

This commitment is in line with the Open Government values, namely participation and inclusion. With the existence of paralegals, the community can participate in increasing access to justice in regions in Indonesia, especially in the farthest areas. In addition, the establishment of OBH in the farthest areas has an inclusion value, as they have lower resources than big cities on the Java island. Therefore, people outside the Java island will be included by getting access to justice in their area.

Commitment Alignment with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and SDGs

This commitment will support the 16th SDGs Goal, namely Strengthening Inclusive and Peaceful Societies for Sustainable Development, Providing Access to Justice for All, and Building Effective, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions at All Levels and mainly target 16.3, namely promoting the rule of law at the national level. And internationally and ensure equal access to justice for all. This program is also under the 2020-2024 RPJMN, page 272, regarding increasing access to justice.

Activities related to the commitment:

Webinar on Paralegals: Actors in Improving Access to Justice, Development and Public Services: OGI News https://ogi.bappenas.go.id/storage/files/news/2g3JupzhRaBAAifsYKE0MW7bTXrb4kRdblSKJvx9.pdf

Encouraging the Implementation of Paralegal Training Policies that Accommodate Legal Aid Stakeholders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReeihkSNXHo

Public Discussion: Acceleration of Quality Improvement of Legal Aid Services through Permenkumham Paralegal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RemLqshyEyo

Discussion with IJRS 06 October 2021: https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/FqwqA1BvaaGhbl1

Lead Implementing Ministry / Agencies
  1. Ministry of Law and Human Rights - National Law Development Agency (Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional - BPHN)
Lead Implementing Civil Society Organization
  1. 1. Asosiasi LBH APIK Indonesia
  2. 2. Indonesian Judicial Research Society (IJRS)
  3. 3. LBH Aceh
  4. 4. LBH APIK Jakarta
  5. 5. LBH Bandung
  6. 6. LBH Jakarta
  7. 7. LBH Papua
  8. 8. LBH Masyarakat
  9. 9. Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum dan HAM Indonesia (PBHI)
  10. 10. Yayasan LBH Indonesia (YLBHI)

+6221-3148-551 ext. 3504

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Status Evidence
1. Increase the number and distribution of legal aid service providers. On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/nOVcV3KkS2ijiFO
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/srHIObbIPevEtUt
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/xLUAklNHDxmpW9T
2. Increase the number and capacity of paralegals. On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/nOVcV3KkS2ijiFO
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/srHIObbIPevEtUt
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/xLUAklNHDxmpW9T
3. Implementation of legal aid service standards by legal aid organizations. On Going Data Dukung B06 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/nOVcV3KkS2ijiFO
Data Dukung B12 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/srHIObbIPevEtUt
Data Dukung B18 https://drive.bappenas.go.id/owncloud/index.php/s/xLUAklNHDxmpW9T
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