Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Sekretariat Nasional Open Government Indonesia Berhasil Menyusun Rencana Aksi Nasional Keterbukaan Pemerintah ke-7 untuk periode tahun 2023-2024

The formulation of national action plan was held jointly through a co-creation mechanism between the Ministries/Agencies and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). In the early stages of this mechanism, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that represents the public were involved in determining the policy direction for implementing Open Government practices. Community involvement will ensure the achievement of goals in sustainable development. More information about the mechanism of the co-creation process is available on page Here

Pahami lebih dalam mengenai 15 komitmen Rencana Aksi Nasional Keterbukaan Pemerintah ke-7 dengan melihat dokumen-dokumen di bawah.