Collaboration between the Government of Indonesia (OGI) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to generate ideas and actions in encouraging the implementation of our values namely transparency, participation, innovation, accountability and inclusiveness in order to create clean, effective, democratic and reliable governance.
- Terpilihnya DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Kota Madiun sebagai anggota OGP Local
- Penyelenggaraan OGWeek 2024 “Enabling Open Government for All”
- Penyelenggaraan Asia Pacific Peer Learning Experience”
- Peluncuran RAN OGI VII 2023-2024
- Indonesia mengirimkan delegasi untuk menghadiri OGP Summit 2023 di Tallinn, Estonia - Indonesia memenangkan OGP Awards untuk komitmen Perluasan Bantuan Hukum bagi Individu dan Kelompok Rentan
- Penyelenggaraan Side Event pada Pertemuan G20 ke-3 dengan tema “Pengarusutamaan Nilai-Nilai Keterbukaan Pemerintah dalam Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan”
- Terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai anggota Dewan Pengarah OGP periode 2022-2025
- Side Event 3rd DWG G20
-Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo memberikan pidato pembuka di acara OGP Global Summit 2021
- Bapak Menteri PPN/Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam sesi pleno The Future of Governance in Asia and Pacific dalam acara OGP Global Summit 2021
- Dalam rangkaian acara 10 tahun pelaksanaan OGP, Indonesia menorehkan beberapa prestasi dan penghargaan yang diakui secara global, diantaranya:
- Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) bersama dengan Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) memperoleh Juara 2 OGP Impact Award melalui komitmen portal keterbukaan informasi pengadaan barang dan jasa.
- Kabupaten Banggai mendapat penghargaan OGP Accelerator Award melalui komitmen pengembangan aplikasi layanan kesehatan bagi seksual dan reproduksi.
- Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat memperoleh Juara 1 OGP Spotlight Award melalui komitmen forum pengaduan layanan publik.
- Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat memperoleh Juara 2 OGP Spotlight Award melalui komitmen pengembangan aplikasi pengaduan layanan publik.
- Kota Semarang memperoleh Juara 3 OGP Spotlight Award melalui komitmen pengembangan portal pengaduan layanan publik yang dikhususkan untuk Kelompok Rentan
- Pemerintah Indonesia sebagai anggota Steering Committee menghadiri OGP Steering Committee – Working Level Meeting di Jerman.
- Peluncuran RAN OGI 2020-2022.
- Terpilihnya 5 daerah di Indonesia dalam OGP Local.
- The Government of Indonesia attended the OGP Summit in Canada and was elected as a member of the OGP Steering Committee for the 2019-2022 period.
- The Government of Indonesia was elected as the OGP Co-Chair of Thematic Leadership Subcommittee.
- The Government of Indonesia attended the OGP Summit in Georgia and the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting in South Korea.
- The Government of Indonesia launched the fifth Open Government NAP. The NAP focuses on public information disclosure, public participation, transparency in education, health and poverty alleviation data, improvement of public services, as well as wider access to legal aid services.
- The Government of Indonesia held the OGP Asia Pacific Leaders Forum in Jakarta.
- The Government of Indonesia launched the fourth Open Government NAP. The NAP focuses on increasing public participation, improving governance, strengthening public information disclosure, and strengthening data governance.
- During the Election of API Platform, Perludems initiative won second place in the OGP award.
- The Government of Indonesia was elected as a member of the OGP Steering Committee for the 2015-2018 period.
- The initiative of Pencerah Nusantara movement won second place in the OGP award.
- The Government of Indonesia held the first OGP Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Bali.
- The Government of Indonesia issued Presidential Decree Number 13 of 2014 on the Establishment of Indonesian Membership in the Open Government Partnership.
- The Government of Indonesia launched the third Open Government NAP. This NAP focuses on strengthening institutional infrastructure, improving the quality of transparency, public participation, and basic community services, areas prone to corruption, and other strategic areas.
- The Government of Indonesia was elected as Co-Chair in the OGP Steering Committee membership.
- The Government of Indonesia launched the second Open Government NAP. This Open Government NAP focuses on improving basic public services, improving business governance and investment services as well as improving transparency and accountability in public budget management.
- The Government of Indonesia launched the first Open Government National Action Plan (NAP). The first NAP focuses on improving public services, improving the integrity of public service institutions, and improving the effectiveness of managing public resources.
- The Government of Indonesia together with the Governments of the United States of America, United Kingdom, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and the Philippines established Open Government Partnership (OGP). OGP is a multilateral initiative in which agents of change from the government and civil society develop open government action plans to create an inclusive, responsive and accountable government.
- The Government Delegation of the United States of America invited some representatives of various countries to initiate a global innovation movement to encourage transparency.